Tuesday, September 27, 2011
And then there was him

Friday, January 28, 2011
7 Quick Takes Friday
1. I am 19 weeks pregnant today. Hoo-ee. We have started actively trying to think of names and we have a shared spreadsheet on Goo.gle Docs to prove it, but in all likelihood we won't decide until the very last minute. That's just how I roll.
2. My flashdrive got stolen out of my work computer when I stepped away from my desk for two minutes to scarf down a granola bar. Events like that make me really hate being a public librarian. It had a ton of personal info and pictures on it. Oh, and two and a half novels. I hope the thief enjoys reading them. Jerk.
3. I got my Burpee catalog a few weeks ago, and I have been having a lot of fun picking out my veggie seeds for the coming season. I considered not doing a garden this year because of how pregnant/busy mothering a newborn I will be this summer, but I'm gonna do it. Well, I'm going to supervise. There's a really good chance that Nemo will be doing all of the actual work.
4. My new hobby is ogling food. I order cookbooks from the library, take them home, and then just stare at the glossy full-color pictures of the food. It's kind of weird and creepy, but I am just so into food right now.
5. I found out I was pregnant in mid-October. At that point I was running about 10 miles a week. I haven't exercised since, hm...late October. This has got to change. I keep blaming the awful weather, but I totally have a treadmill in the basement. I've been planning on walking in the mornings, but then I always decide to sleep more instead. But it stops this week! I hope.
6. Nemo and I have been trying to do meatless Fridays for the past two weeks. It was his idea and I'm trying to support it but...I am loving meat right now, so it's hard.
7. I am trying to read more this year. I know I'm a librarian but I barely read. When I get home from work I just end up watching Doctor Who or Monk instead. This month I have read three books so far, and I'm almost done with a fourth. They were all historical murder mysteries, but I am totally counting them. I will move onto more mentally stimulating material next month.
2. My flashdrive got stolen out of my work computer when I stepped away from my desk for two minutes to scarf down a granola bar. Events like that make me really hate being a public librarian. It had a ton of personal info and pictures on it. Oh, and two and a half novels. I hope the thief enjoys reading them. Jerk.
3. I got my Burpee catalog a few weeks ago, and I have been having a lot of fun picking out my veggie seeds for the coming season. I considered not doing a garden this year because of how pregnant/busy mothering a newborn I will be this summer, but I'm gonna do it. Well, I'm going to supervise. There's a really good chance that Nemo will be doing all of the actual work.
4. My new hobby is ogling food. I order cookbooks from the library, take them home, and then just stare at the glossy full-color pictures of the food. It's kind of weird and creepy, but I am just so into food right now.
5. I found out I was pregnant in mid-October. At that point I was running about 10 miles a week. I haven't exercised since, hm...late October. This has got to change. I keep blaming the awful weather, but I totally have a treadmill in the basement. I've been planning on walking in the mornings, but then I always decide to sleep more instead. But it stops this week! I hope.
6. Nemo and I have been trying to do meatless Fridays for the past two weeks. It was his idea and I'm trying to support it but...I am loving meat right now, so it's hard.
7. I am trying to read more this year. I know I'm a librarian but I barely read. When I get home from work I just end up watching Doctor Who or Monk instead. This month I have read three books so far, and I'm almost done with a fourth. They were all historical murder mysteries, but I am totally counting them. I will move onto more mentally stimulating material next month.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
It's a...
My intuition turned out to be spot-on in this instance. Spud is a little BOY!
He wasn't shy about letting us know, either. At one point the tech froze the screen and asked us if we wanted to know the gender. But it was pretty obvious. Nemo blurted out, "It's a boy!" The ultrasound tech might have been a little miffed to have her thunder stolen:)
He looks perfectly healthy. Just a little bit on the big side. Yikes.
We are terribly excited. Although all the good names I had picked out were girls' names! And now I have to make unpleasant decisions, like what to do about circumcision and stuff like that. But mostly excited. A little boy. A son! Wow!
Spud decided to end the wonderful day with a grand finale. I was lying in bed with my hand on my belly, talking with Nemo, when Spud all of a sudden kicked me. And I felt it from the outside! It seemed like mostly luck that my hand was in the right place at the right time, and when Nemo put his hand there to try and feel it I was sure that Spud wouldn't cooperate. But a few minutes later--BANG!--right on target. He's a little squirmer, for sure. I am so grateful to be able to feel him moving around at this relatively early time. And I'm also so happy that Nemo finally gets to share in the sheer wonder of it.
Older Sister, whose new pregnancy I mentioned in my last post, got an ultrasound yesterday as well, which dated her at about six weeks. We went over and over her chart for about two hours one night and just couldn't figure out when the blessed event happened, so I recommended that she push her doctor for an ultrasound. It's a good thing too, because dating it by her LMP turned out to be a week off! But she did see the little bean with a heartbeat, so that's good.
In other news, I STILL haven't told my manager about my pregnancy. Way, way back I mentioned that I had applied for a transfer to a location very close to my house. I interviewed back in November when I was about 8 weeks pregnant, and I figured they would get back to me in December and if I got the job I would have some time to settle in and endear myself to people before announcing that I would be taking maternity leave during Summer Reading, which is only the most important time of the year for a Children's Librarian.
However, they took their sweet time getting back to me, and I couldn't tell me coworkers at my current job until I knew one way or the other. As of last Friday I still hadn't heard, and my belly is getting rather obviously huge. I started having second thoughts about the job. A big part of it is that I didn't think it was fair to them for me to take the job, go on maternity leave five months later, and then possibly not come back at all (depending on how Nemo's interviews turn out, hope hope). So I ended up calling them up and asking to be removed from consideration from the position, citing some "circumstances" that made me not a good fit at the moment. She asked what those circumstances were (the fact that she wanted details made me think that I might have been the candidate chosen) so I spilled, but asked her not to tell anyone. Then I figured I would wait until after we found out the gender to tell my coworkers here. So reveal day is now set for Monday. I will be so relieved to have it out in the open!
He wasn't shy about letting us know, either. At one point the tech froze the screen and asked us if we wanted to know the gender. But it was pretty obvious. Nemo blurted out, "It's a boy!" The ultrasound tech might have been a little miffed to have her thunder stolen:)
He looks perfectly healthy. Just a little bit on the big side. Yikes.
We are terribly excited. Although all the good names I had picked out were girls' names! And now I have to make unpleasant decisions, like what to do about circumcision and stuff like that. But mostly excited. A little boy. A son! Wow!
Spud decided to end the wonderful day with a grand finale. I was lying in bed with my hand on my belly, talking with Nemo, when Spud all of a sudden kicked me. And I felt it from the outside! It seemed like mostly luck that my hand was in the right place at the right time, and when Nemo put his hand there to try and feel it I was sure that Spud wouldn't cooperate. But a few minutes later--BANG!--right on target. He's a little squirmer, for sure. I am so grateful to be able to feel him moving around at this relatively early time. And I'm also so happy that Nemo finally gets to share in the sheer wonder of it.
Older Sister, whose new pregnancy I mentioned in my last post, got an ultrasound yesterday as well, which dated her at about six weeks. We went over and over her chart for about two hours one night and just couldn't figure out when the blessed event happened, so I recommended that she push her doctor for an ultrasound. It's a good thing too, because dating it by her LMP turned out to be a week off! But she did see the little bean with a heartbeat, so that's good.
In other news, I STILL haven't told my manager about my pregnancy. Way, way back I mentioned that I had applied for a transfer to a location very close to my house. I interviewed back in November when I was about 8 weeks pregnant, and I figured they would get back to me in December and if I got the job I would have some time to settle in and endear myself to people before announcing that I would be taking maternity leave during Summer Reading, which is only the most important time of the year for a Children's Librarian.
However, they took their sweet time getting back to me, and I couldn't tell me coworkers at my current job until I knew one way or the other. As of last Friday I still hadn't heard, and my belly is getting rather obviously huge. I started having second thoughts about the job. A big part of it is that I didn't think it was fair to them for me to take the job, go on maternity leave five months later, and then possibly not come back at all (depending on how Nemo's interviews turn out, hope hope). So I ended up calling them up and asking to be removed from consideration from the position, citing some "circumstances" that made me not a good fit at the moment. She asked what those circumstances were (the fact that she wanted details made me think that I might have been the candidate chosen) so I spilled, but asked her not to tell anyone. Then I figured I would wait until after we found out the gender to tell my coworkers here. So reveal day is now set for Monday. I will be so relieved to have it out in the open!
Friday, January 14, 2011
I make a new friend
Something extraordinary happened to me.
Last Wednesday, very early in the morning, I was packing up the last of my stuff before we headed to the airport for our mini-vacation in New Orleans. One of the last things I needed to grab was my laptop and as I was trying to unplug it my middle finger accidentally touched one of the prongs and...ZZZTTTTT. It didn't hurt, but I definitely felt the electrical current vibrating in my fingers.
So of course I got on Dr. Goo.gle and looked up "electrical shock" and "pregnancy", and the answer was pretty grim. The only thing that was holding me back from a full fledged panic attack was that I wasn't actually sure I had shocked myself, since it didn't hurt.
But I was worrying, worrying, worrying all morning. When we finally got on the plane I was exhausted, worried, and just trying to drift off to sleep when I felt a sudden inclination to ask St. Therese of Lisieux for help. Which was weird because, as worthy as she is, she just isn't one of the saints that I usually look to for help. So anyway, drowsy and upset, I prayed that if my baby was still alive, would she please send me a sign? And I thought specifically of a single red rose. Not white. Red.
Then I did end up sleeping for most of the flight. When we deplaned in New Orleans, I wasn't feeling much better. In fact, I was feeling downright woozy. At baggage claim I abruptly decided that I couldn't stand anymore, and crossed the room to sit down. So I was sitting there, slumping a little, staring off into space, and almost instantly a woman walked within six feet of me carrying in her hand a single red rose, the stem wrapped in a plastic baggie full of water. It took me a few seconds for my mind to process what I had just seen and realize the significance of it. Once I did I was absolutely godsmacked.
That woman ended up being on our shuttle to downtown. She was traveling alone and no one had met her at the airport. One has to wonder where and why she had come by that red rose. Of course it could have been a collossal coincidence, but it gave me an incredible feeling of peace.
And then, that week while we were in New Orleans, I felt Spud move. I couldn't be 100% sure, but there were bumps and tickles that I couldn't attribute to anything else. And now that I have been feeling it several times a day for the last week, I am sure that's what it is. And when we got back into town I went in to listen to the heartbeat again, and it was very healthy.
And, just now as I was writing this I realized that St. Therese's feast day is on October 1, which was the day that Spud was probably conceived.
It would seem that she is in my corner.
Last Wednesday, very early in the morning, I was packing up the last of my stuff before we headed to the airport for our mini-vacation in New Orleans. One of the last things I needed to grab was my laptop and as I was trying to unplug it my middle finger accidentally touched one of the prongs and...ZZZTTTTT. It didn't hurt, but I definitely felt the electrical current vibrating in my fingers.
So of course I got on Dr. Goo.gle and looked up "electrical shock" and "pregnancy", and the answer was pretty grim. The only thing that was holding me back from a full fledged panic attack was that I wasn't actually sure I had shocked myself, since it didn't hurt.
But I was worrying, worrying, worrying all morning. When we finally got on the plane I was exhausted, worried, and just trying to drift off to sleep when I felt a sudden inclination to ask St. Therese of Lisieux for help. Which was weird because, as worthy as she is, she just isn't one of the saints that I usually look to for help. So anyway, drowsy and upset, I prayed that if my baby was still alive, would she please send me a sign? And I thought specifically of a single red rose. Not white. Red.
Then I did end up sleeping for most of the flight. When we deplaned in New Orleans, I wasn't feeling much better. In fact, I was feeling downright woozy. At baggage claim I abruptly decided that I couldn't stand anymore, and crossed the room to sit down. So I was sitting there, slumping a little, staring off into space, and almost instantly a woman walked within six feet of me carrying in her hand a single red rose, the stem wrapped in a plastic baggie full of water. It took me a few seconds for my mind to process what I had just seen and realize the significance of it. Once I did I was absolutely godsmacked.
That woman ended up being on our shuttle to downtown. She was traveling alone and no one had met her at the airport. One has to wonder where and why she had come by that red rose. Of course it could have been a collossal coincidence, but it gave me an incredible feeling of peace.
And then, that week while we were in New Orleans, I felt Spud move. I couldn't be 100% sure, but there were bumps and tickles that I couldn't attribute to anything else. And now that I have been feeling it several times a day for the last week, I am sure that's what it is. And when we got back into town I went in to listen to the heartbeat again, and it was very healthy.
And, just now as I was writing this I realized that St. Therese's feast day is on October 1, which was the day that Spud was probably conceived.
It would seem that she is in my corner.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
My Brother and My Sister
1. Last year my brother graduated from a top-notch school with a degree in history. Given the state of the job market, he has so far been unable to find a job. So, with a lack of anything better to do, he joined the Nat.ional Guar.d late last year. He left for basic training on Sunday.
I'm in two minds about his decision (and I have to keep reminding myself that he is a grown man and it is HIS decision). On one hand I think it will be a good experience for him. He needs direction and structure in his life.
On the other hand I am very worried for him. He has never been very good at following directions and he has very little respect for authority, as my parents will attest. I'm having a really hard time envisioning him successfully completing basic training.
Of course there is nothing I can do about it--it's not like I can kidnap him from under the Army's nose! I'm just hope hope hoping that it goes well for him. I'm sure he will surprise me.
2. Even though we don't always get along, Older Sister is probably my best friend. At least in the sense that we tell each other everything. Last night she texted me to tell me that she was on CD 36, when her normal cycles are 27-30 days. Now, she has been sick for a full month, first with severe bronchitis and then with a stomach virus. She was sure that illness had screwed up her cycle, but she had suspicions. So I told her to email her chart to me and I would look it over.
Then early this morning she called to tell me that her temperature had dropped significantly that morning, but she decided to take a test anyway...and it was positive! Of course I'm worried, mostly because she had recently been prescribed belladonna to help her cope with the stomach virus. I'm no expert, but that doesn't sound very healthy for tiny babies. That coupled with the drop in temperature--I don't know. It sounds bad. I think I will start a Novena tonight.
I'm still waiting for her to send her chart to see if I can decipher it. She has no idea when this could have happened! She didn't even think she ovulated this cycle! Underneath to worry I am very excited. I'm excited for my lovely little Niecey, who is 20 months old, to have a little brother or sister. She is such a nurturing little girl! She'll be a great big sister. And of course I would love for Spud to have a cousin around his or her age. All of my cousins are a generation older than I am, so I can appreciate same-age cousins.
So yeah, lots of stuff has been happening. And, in just 10 short days we will (depending on his or her cooperation) find out if Spud is a little boy or a little girl. I am just this side of overwhelmed:)
I'm in two minds about his decision (and I have to keep reminding myself that he is a grown man and it is HIS decision). On one hand I think it will be a good experience for him. He needs direction and structure in his life.
On the other hand I am very worried for him. He has never been very good at following directions and he has very little respect for authority, as my parents will attest. I'm having a really hard time envisioning him successfully completing basic training.
Of course there is nothing I can do about it--it's not like I can kidnap him from under the Army's nose! I'm just hope hope hoping that it goes well for him. I'm sure he will surprise me.
2. Even though we don't always get along, Older Sister is probably my best friend. At least in the sense that we tell each other everything. Last night she texted me to tell me that she was on CD 36, when her normal cycles are 27-30 days. Now, she has been sick for a full month, first with severe bronchitis and then with a stomach virus. She was sure that illness had screwed up her cycle, but she had suspicions. So I told her to email her chart to me and I would look it over.
Then early this morning she called to tell me that her temperature had dropped significantly that morning, but she decided to take a test anyway...and it was positive! Of course I'm worried, mostly because she had recently been prescribed belladonna to help her cope with the stomach virus. I'm no expert, but that doesn't sound very healthy for tiny babies. That coupled with the drop in temperature--I don't know. It sounds bad. I think I will start a Novena tonight.
I'm still waiting for her to send her chart to see if I can decipher it. She has no idea when this could have happened! She didn't even think she ovulated this cycle! Underneath to worry I am very excited. I'm excited for my lovely little Niecey, who is 20 months old, to have a little brother or sister. She is such a nurturing little girl! She'll be a great big sister. And of course I would love for Spud to have a cousin around his or her age. All of my cousins are a generation older than I am, so I can appreciate same-age cousins.
So yeah, lots of stuff has been happening. And, in just 10 short days we will (depending on his or her cooperation) find out if Spud is a little boy or a little girl. I am just this side of overwhelmed:)
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
We've taken to calling the baby "Spud". This came about because during our second ultrasound at 6.5 weeks, he or she looked like a little bean, but at the next ultrasound at 12 weeks he or she had sprouted like a potato, arms and legs everywhere.
Everything still seems to be going well. No more spotting. I am really digging this "come in and listen to the heartbeat whenever you want" policy the midwives have. I've been in pretty much every week! I went in today to have a listen so I can relax on our New Orleans getaway (we leave tomorrow). Spud's heartbeat was nice and strong at 155, and a lot of interference coming over the speakers from his or her very developed swimming skills. So now Nemo has decided that the baby's full name is Spud "Micha.el Ph.elps" ____ (our last name). It's pretty cute.
The baby news is out to the world in general now. Nemo told his doctoral advisor, which I guess makes things pretty darn official. Being "openly pregnant" gives me mixed feelings. I have a hard time admitting Spud's existence to myself sometimes, let alone other people. Is this for real? Is this really happening?
I've been thinking a lot about the suffering we had to bear before getting this far. Suffering that most couples never have to taste. I think about how things would be different if this was my first pregnancy. Who would I be if I had never conceived Iris and Lily? I used to be mad--now I'm just confused and don't really know what to think. I'm sad about losing them, but I can't completely regret it either. It's a weird feeling.
Everything still seems to be going well. No more spotting. I am really digging this "come in and listen to the heartbeat whenever you want" policy the midwives have. I've been in pretty much every week! I went in today to have a listen so I can relax on our New Orleans getaway (we leave tomorrow). Spud's heartbeat was nice and strong at 155, and a lot of interference coming over the speakers from his or her very developed swimming skills. So now Nemo has decided that the baby's full name is Spud "Micha.el Ph.elps" ____ (our last name). It's pretty cute.
The baby news is out to the world in general now. Nemo told his doctoral advisor, which I guess makes things pretty darn official. Being "openly pregnant" gives me mixed feelings. I have a hard time admitting Spud's existence to myself sometimes, let alone other people. Is this for real? Is this really happening?
I've been thinking a lot about the suffering we had to bear before getting this far. Suffering that most couples never have to taste. I think about how things would be different if this was my first pregnancy. Who would I be if I had never conceived Iris and Lily? I used to be mad--now I'm just confused and don't really know what to think. I'm sad about losing them, but I can't completely regret it either. It's a weird feeling.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Belated Prayer Buddy Reveal
This past Advent season I had the honor of praying for Renee over at Second Chances. I loved getting to know her by reading through her informative and picture-filled blog. Renee has faced many challenges, but she is also incredibly strong of faith and spirit. She is such an inspiration!
My heartfelt thanks go out to A Complicated Life for her prayers. They were invaluable to me! One of the intentions I asked my Prayer Buddy to pray for was that Nemo will find employment after he gets his PhD in May. A few weeks ago he landed an interview at a University in a city where we have friends (bonus) AND just today he found another excellent opportunity that fits him perfectly--I'm hoping we get an interview out of that one too!
Have a blessed and happy rest of the Christmas season, Prayer Buddies. My prayers are with you both.
Now on to 2011!
During the bleeding scare on Monday I was ready to call our New Year's Eve party off, but now we are going ahead as planned. Nemo has been a HUGE help getting ready. Even though he is already the designated chef for the event he has also cleaned, vacuumed, moved furniture, de-cluttered, etc etc. The house is almost unrecognizable!
Despite all of his hard work the chore list is still about a mile long. I am floating away in dirty laundry, and I shudder to think how long it's been since I washed the kitchen floor. It's going to be a busy couple of days, but I honestly prefer them that way.
My heartfelt thanks go out to A Complicated Life for her prayers. They were invaluable to me! One of the intentions I asked my Prayer Buddy to pray for was that Nemo will find employment after he gets his PhD in May. A few weeks ago he landed an interview at a University in a city where we have friends (bonus) AND just today he found another excellent opportunity that fits him perfectly--I'm hoping we get an interview out of that one too!
Have a blessed and happy rest of the Christmas season, Prayer Buddies. My prayers are with you both.
Now on to 2011!
During the bleeding scare on Monday I was ready to call our New Year's Eve party off, but now we are going ahead as planned. Nemo has been a HUGE help getting ready. Even though he is already the designated chef for the event he has also cleaned, vacuumed, moved furniture, de-cluttered, etc etc. The house is almost unrecognizable!
Despite all of his hard work the chore list is still about a mile long. I am floating away in dirty laundry, and I shudder to think how long it's been since I washed the kitchen floor. It's going to be a busy couple of days, but I honestly prefer them that way.
Monday, December 27, 2010
*Updated, Everything OK* Scared Again
The nurse got back to me and thought it would be a good idea for me to come in and get checked out, so they squeezed me in this afternoon. I broke down and im'ed Nemo from work to tell him I had the appointment, and he met me there. I was just so scared and needed the moral support. I think he was a little peeved that I lied to him this morning when he asked if everything was ok and I said yes. So I won't be doing that again.
The midwife did an internal exam, and the results were that my cervix was closed and there was no evidence of bleeding. So where the blood I saw came from remains a mystery, which bothers me, but I am still eternally thankful that things appear to be ok for the moment. I did get a nice big shot of Rho.gam right in the tush -ouch!- just in case.
They checked the baby's heartbeat and it was nice and strong--and very easy to find compared to the other times, which I guess means that baby is getting bigger.
I don't know what the future will bring, but this episode has reminded me to appreciate every day, every minute I have with my loved ones.
I had been doing ok on the anxiety front--entering my second trimester takes most of the credit for that.
But all last week I was having these weird stomach pains. They didn't feel like cramps, exactly, so I chalked them up to either growing pains or the stress of traveling.
This morning the pain was better, but I then started to get small flecks of blood when I went to the bathroom. I think its vaginal, but I can't be sure. I didn't tell Nemo because I didn't want to worry him. Now here I am at work, out of my mind with worry.
I called the midwife's office but they still haven't gotten back to me. I am desperate to go in to see if there is still a heartbeat.
I'm fourteen and a half weeks. We JUST told our families. We were planning on telling our friends this weekend. This isn't supposed to be happening. I don't know what to do, and if you can spare them I could really use some prayers to help me get through whatever comes next.
The nurse got back to me and thought it would be a good idea for me to come in and get checked out, so they squeezed me in this afternoon. I broke down and im'ed Nemo from work to tell him I had the appointment, and he met me there. I was just so scared and needed the moral support. I think he was a little peeved that I lied to him this morning when he asked if everything was ok and I said yes. So I won't be doing that again.
The midwife did an internal exam, and the results were that my cervix was closed and there was no evidence of bleeding. So where the blood I saw came from remains a mystery, which bothers me, but I am still eternally thankful that things appear to be ok for the moment. I did get a nice big shot of Rho.gam right in the tush -ouch!- just in case.
They checked the baby's heartbeat and it was nice and strong--and very easy to find compared to the other times, which I guess means that baby is getting bigger.
I don't know what the future will bring, but this episode has reminded me to appreciate every day, every minute I have with my loved ones.
I had been doing ok on the anxiety front--entering my second trimester takes most of the credit for that.
But all last week I was having these weird stomach pains. They didn't feel like cramps, exactly, so I chalked them up to either growing pains or the stress of traveling.
This morning the pain was better, but I then started to get small flecks of blood when I went to the bathroom. I think its vaginal, but I can't be sure. I didn't tell Nemo because I didn't want to worry him. Now here I am at work, out of my mind with worry.
I called the midwife's office but they still haven't gotten back to me. I am desperate to go in to see if there is still a heartbeat.
I'm fourteen and a half weeks. We JUST told our families. We were planning on telling our friends this weekend. This isn't supposed to be happening. I don't know what to do, and if you can spare them I could really use some prayers to help me get through whatever comes next.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Telling People
Very shortly we will be leaving to visit Nemo's parents, not just to exchange Christmas presents but also to tell them about the baby.
I had an appointment with the midwife on Thursday, and everything seems to be going great. Heard a good heartbeat at 166 bpm between when the little stinker was wiggling around too much for the Doppler to pick it up.
But I am still so nervous about the prospect of telling people. Especially parents and grandparents.
We told Nemo's parent's about our first pregnancy very early on, and then less than a week later we had to tell them that we lost the baby. We didn't tell them about the second pregnancy partly because I didn't want to tell them bad news again.
I know that they are going to be happy and excited when we tell them, but I worry that they will let our past losses taint their view of this new pregnancy. Maybe they won't be AS excited, you know? Because I'm the Woman Who Cried Pregnant.
Anyway, we are going to tell my parents and siblings when we go visit them for Christmas, and then we are having a bunch our friends over on New Year's Eve so we can break the news to them. I just need to get through the next two weeks. Yikes. I am praying that I will find some serious emotional strength!
I had an appointment with the midwife on Thursday, and everything seems to be going great. Heard a good heartbeat at 166 bpm between when the little stinker was wiggling around too much for the Doppler to pick it up.
But I am still so nervous about the prospect of telling people. Especially parents and grandparents.
We told Nemo's parent's about our first pregnancy very early on, and then less than a week later we had to tell them that we lost the baby. We didn't tell them about the second pregnancy partly because I didn't want to tell them bad news again.
I know that they are going to be happy and excited when we tell them, but I worry that they will let our past losses taint their view of this new pregnancy. Maybe they won't be AS excited, you know? Because I'm the Woman Who Cried Pregnant.
Anyway, we are going to tell my parents and siblings when we go visit them for Christmas, and then we are having a bunch our friends over on New Year's Eve so we can break the news to them. I just need to get through the next two weeks. Yikes. I am praying that I will find some serious emotional strength!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
First of all, thank you all for your support and encouragement. You light up my dark places! And special thanks to my prayer buddy; I can feel your prayers working in my life!
Our third ultrasound was yesterday. When the ultrasound tech got started, she said she was going to check out my ovaries and whatnot and then move on the the "baby stuff".
Luckily she consented to check the baby's heart first and it was, in fact, beating at 163 BPM.
Then she had to hunt high and low for my ovaries. One was hidden next to my hip, and she couldn't find the other one and had to call in her supervisor. Everything is moving around so much!
I had been waiting in the waiting room for so long that I had to pee really badly by the time I got into the exam room, but the tech wouldn't let me go because it makes everything contract or something like that. And then, through the whole scan, she and her supervisor kept saying, "Wow! You're bladder is REALLY full!"
To which I wanted to reply, "I KNOW! PLEASE STOP PRESSING ON IT!" But you know, they were the ones facilitating the babygazing, so I was polite.
The baby was measuring 5.6 centimeters, or about 2.2 inches, which is just about perfect for 12 weeks. He/she had REALLY long legs, or maybe it just seemed that way because the last time I had an ultrasound the legs were too small to be seen.
Nemo was absolutely enchanted to see the baby. He is a man in love!
The baby was really having a lot of fun in there. It liked to bend its knees and then kick off the sides of my uterus and bounce around--it did that three times in a row, and then a few more times throughout the scan. It was so cute!
We saw fingers, toes, nose, and all that stuff. It liked to have its hands by its face--I like to think that it was sucking its thumb:)
The first thing I did after the scan was thank God. The second thing I did was hustle to the store to buy a belly band. The waistbands of my jeans are not my friends. So much more comfortable now!
This cold/flu/sinus infection, or whatever the heck it is, is really getting the better of me. Once I kick one symptom, the others get worse. All I have now is a mild cough, mild sore throat, and KILLER sinus pressure. I literally did not get to sleep until six o'clock this morning because it felt like someone was driving a railroad spike into my cheek. Then I had to get to work by 9:30am. Not fun.
I tried multiple steamy showers, putting a heating pad on my face, and drinking lots of hot liquids, but nothing seemed to help. I'm really afraid to go to the doctor because I think they will just prescribe antibiotics, which I am worried would hurt the baby and also I typically have really bad reactions to antibiotics--sometimes its worse than the actual illness. I'm really hoping I can kick this on my own, but I am at my wit's end! I'm really praying that things change drastically by Monday, or else I will have to seek treatment per an agreement I have with Nemo...
Our third ultrasound was yesterday. When the ultrasound tech got started, she said she was going to check out my ovaries and whatnot and then move on the the "baby stuff".
Luckily she consented to check the baby's heart first and it was, in fact, beating at 163 BPM.
Then she had to hunt high and low for my ovaries. One was hidden next to my hip, and she couldn't find the other one and had to call in her supervisor. Everything is moving around so much!
I had been waiting in the waiting room for so long that I had to pee really badly by the time I got into the exam room, but the tech wouldn't let me go because it makes everything contract or something like that. And then, through the whole scan, she and her supervisor kept saying, "Wow! You're bladder is REALLY full!"
To which I wanted to reply, "I KNOW! PLEASE STOP PRESSING ON IT!" But you know, they were the ones facilitating the babygazing, so I was polite.
The baby was measuring 5.6 centimeters, or about 2.2 inches, which is just about perfect for 12 weeks. He/she had REALLY long legs, or maybe it just seemed that way because the last time I had an ultrasound the legs were too small to be seen.
Nemo was absolutely enchanted to see the baby. He is a man in love!
The baby was really having a lot of fun in there. It liked to bend its knees and then kick off the sides of my uterus and bounce around--it did that three times in a row, and then a few more times throughout the scan. It was so cute!
We saw fingers, toes, nose, and all that stuff. It liked to have its hands by its face--I like to think that it was sucking its thumb:)
The first thing I did after the scan was thank God. The second thing I did was hustle to the store to buy a belly band. The waistbands of my jeans are not my friends. So much more comfortable now!
This cold/flu/sinus infection, or whatever the heck it is, is really getting the better of me. Once I kick one symptom, the others get worse. All I have now is a mild cough, mild sore throat, and KILLER sinus pressure. I literally did not get to sleep until six o'clock this morning because it felt like someone was driving a railroad spike into my cheek. Then I had to get to work by 9:30am. Not fun.
I tried multiple steamy showers, putting a heating pad on my face, and drinking lots of hot liquids, but nothing seemed to help. I'm really afraid to go to the doctor because I think they will just prescribe antibiotics, which I am worried would hurt the baby and also I typically have really bad reactions to antibiotics--sometimes its worse than the actual illness. I'm really hoping I can kick this on my own, but I am at my wit's end! I'm really praying that things change drastically by Monday, or else I will have to seek treatment per an agreement I have with Nemo...
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