I'm 5DPO.
I actually remembered to take muc.inex on my most fertile days, we used all the good days, and I had a dream that I took a pregnancy test and it was so positive that there were three pink lines. So we'll see what happens. But don't worry, I have learned not to hold my breath. This month I will not get ahead of myself.
I will not analyze every little "symptom" that I "experience". Surely this crampy feeling can be attributed to the...ok I drew a blank. And I'm sure the reason that I can smell the individual contents of the garbage from across the room is because it is just a stinky day.
And I'm not looking at maternity clothes and changing tables on craigsl.ist. That would be silly. Who needs maternity clothes? Not this lady.
So I lied; this month is just like all the other months. I can't decide if it is hope or stupidity.
Ok, I know some may want to kill me for posting this to you - but - I had this super high temp on 5DPO. It was so huge I was sending my chart to friends and looking things up online. Turns out - I got pregnant that cycle and am now almost 10 weeks! I have not carried the cross you carry (although we did have some secondary issues after a loss and this is our first pregnancy since) but I will say, so what? You want a baby, you long to be a mother, God has put that in your heart and you are doing everything you can to make it happen. the 2 week wait is hell - but let yourself get excited and hopeful and maybe experience a bit of joy over the "maybe, just maybe this time" feelings. To block them out would just be a lie. You don't have to apologize to ANYONE for your feelings, not even yourself. You are a mother and you are waiting for you baby. Your heart leaps when there is a glimmer of hope - and that is beautiful.
I hope this is the cycle! If not, I'll be praying and getting excited for you next cycle!
Right there with you in hoping and praying!!!!!!!!
Loved this post. You voice everything I think every month!
Hi! I just found your blog from I think "My Vocation is Love". I don't have anything to comment on about the temps as I haven't done that in a few years and chart a different way. But I just wanted to say that I can empathize with the two dear children in Heaven. My DH and I have lost 2 children to miscarriage as well. I hope this is the month for you!
Also, I love your blog banner. That is one of my favorite verses in scripture. God Bless and go forth and be a SAINT!
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