- Last cycle, I ovulated on day 13 (usually day 19-21)
- Last cycle was 27 days long (usually 34)
- I had some spotting before and after my period, which was lighter than normal (but not "light").
- My cramps were not as bad a usual, but towards the end of my period I experienced this weird scratching sensation where the cramps normally would be. Just like someone lightly scratching my insides with a fingernail.
- I've developed this weird PMS-y backache in the last two days.
- Weirdest of all, my temperatures have been absurdly high during the first week of my cycle. I've also been feeling really overheated, especially when I'm in bed at night. I've been kicking off all the covers--that never happens!
I took a pregnancy test on CD6, not because I thought I was pregnant but I didn't think it would hurt to rule it out. It was NEGATIVE. I was ok with that. But I would really like to know what is going on. I am really kicking myself for not charting the end of last cycle. I need more data!
On CD27 I woke up and took my temperature for the first time in two weeks. It was 97.8--REALLY high for me. I ran to the bathroom to take a pregnancy test, only to realize that I had started spotting. My period was on the way, so I put the test away. I assumed my temp would go down to normal in the next couple of days.
The next morning my temp was still high, but I had had my customary CD1 glass of wine (or 2) the night before, so I thought that might be the cause.
But here it is eight days later and my temps have not been out of the mid 97s. A whole degree higher than normal, even when I take the flax seed oil supplements, which I haven't done for a while. I'm actually LESS stressed than normal, so I don't think that's it. I'm not sick, as far as I can tell. I've actually been feeling rather good lately.
So what gives?
I've been freaking out. What if my period was actually a very early miscarriage, and my temperatures are still high from the lingering progesterone in my system? There's no way to know, so I should just forget about it. But I can't.
I've never been one to take pregnancy tests less than 14 DPO, but maybe I should start. Because, truth be told, I worry that EVERY period is a miscarriage. It might give me some peace of mind to rule it out before the bleeding starts.