1. Last night N and I babysat for a couple so they could go out for their anniversary. They have a two-year-old and a three month old. I was really nervous at first because unlike most of the other children that go to our church, I didn't bond with the two-year-old when he was a baby and he always seemed very nervous around me. Anyway, N has no experience with toddlers but, thanks to all the time we spend with Godson, he is very good at holding babies. So he held the baby all evening and I played with the toddler, and everything went swimmingly. Whew.
2. I have to take my poor kitty Morwen to the vet this afternoon for her annual checkup. It's been more than a year, but she hates going in the car so much that I have been putting it off to save us both the misery. But, you gotta do what you gotta do.
3. Annual reviews are coming up at work. I've had such a hard year personally, and I know it has been spilling over into my work. I didn't fulfill a couple of my goals from last year. I'm just going to focus on how determined I am to do better next year.
4. I've just started to read my first Agatha Christie novel, and I am really liking it!
5. I took the week off from running. I was just so burned out that I was thinking of quitting all together, but decided to defer the decision until Monday. Training for a half-marathon was just taking up too much time and I was starting to stress about it, which is something that I just don't need right now. If I do take it up again, it will be on a strictly for-fun basis.
6. N has started to lay tile in our second bathroom. After that, we are going to install the sink! When we bought the house almost three years ago that bathroom was a complete nightmare, and it didn't have a sink for some reason, just the hookups sticking out of the wall. I can't even say how gratifying it will be to have a toilet, a shower, AND a sink down there!
7. Tonight is bridge night with our good friends Mr. and Mrs. E. They have been practicing. We haven't. *Gulp*
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