I know that's not how it should be.
One of the things I don't like about my field is that, even with a Master's degree, I still have an irregular schedule that includes some nights and weekends.
Right now, there isn't a convenient way for me to get to daily mass. The churches close to home don't have Mass at a time that would enable me to get to work on time. There is a church nearish my work, but they only have a lunchtime Mass, but with the travel time it takes longer than my allotted half-hour. There is one day every two weeks when I start work late and could make it to St. Catherine's about a quarter-mile from my house, but I have been horrible about using this day.
Then there's adoration. I am lucky enough to live near an Oratory which is blessed with perpetual adoration, and I've had an hour for about two years.
One of the few consistencies in my schedule is that I start work at 11:15am on Wednesday mornings, so I take the 10:00am adoration hour. Unfortunately I can't make it to work in 15 minutes, so I usually have to leave five or ten minutes early. Thank goodness I have a more dedicated adoration hour buddy!
But now I can't even do that anymore because starting this month I have to attend a work meeting at 9:00am one Wednesday a month.
I've decided to view this as a wake-up call. No more being a Catholic of Convenience! I'm turning over a new leaf. I'm going to have to give up sleep in the morning or socializing in the evening, but that's ok because it means I am spending quality time with my savior.
That being said, I had a hard time focusing on Mass today because I was holding a sleeping Godson. I was so distracted by his cuteness that the liturgy was in one ear out the other. How do parents do it?
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