Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day and Night

I had been feeling really positive about this cycle. Ever since the second miscarriage in February I have had really wimpy, erratic periods and half the time I wasn't able to confirm ovulation, but this month I had a nice, healthy period and then was showing all the signs of ovulating soon.

The new diet and exercise thing has made me feel a lot healthier. I'm sleeping better, I have a good appetite, and I have more energy. My temps have remained elevated, possibly due to the flax seed oil supplements. I actually think I look healthier too--the dark circles under my eyes are less pronounced (maybe thanks to the B Super Complex I've been taking?) and maybe I'm imagining it, but when I look in the mirror I swear I see a healthy glow.

I was optimistic. I thought, maybe this will be the cycle that everything does what it's supposed to.

Then yesterday, CD14, I started spotting and all of my impending ovulation symptoms disappeared, so any aspirations I had for a normal cycle are out the window. I have had spotting between periods several times since I stopped taking birth control in 2007--I used to blame any abnormal bleeding on the BCP, but sometimes I wonder if it isn't something else. It's been a really long time since I had any of those evil pills in my system.

So everything's going great and I'm the healthiest I've ever been, and my body still isn't functioning the way it's supposed to. A "normal" person would be starting the two-week wait right about now. Not me. Who knows when the waiting is going to be over.


1 comment:

Faith said...

Oh hun, I feel that sigh. So sorry you are in this endless waiting game - waiting for a miracle. I will be thinking of you.