So when I did get a place of my own away from my family, I went absolutely WILD.
We got Rousseau a few months after we got married.

Then two years ago we got Morwen.

Morwen is named after a character in a children's book series called Dea.ling with Dragons. Its a hoot and a half, if you're into that kind of thing. As you may have noticed, she doesn't have a tail. Apparently she is a Manx cat, which is a breed that is born without one. Morwen doesn't seem to miss her tail, but she is absolutely FASCINATED with Rousseau's.
The kitties and their interactions with each other offer endless entertainment. They are good cats and we love them to pieces, but being cats the feeling is not mutual. We've been longing for a more affectionate pet! A dog is the natural conclusion.
But I don't want just any dog, I want this dog.

The only thing is that these dogs are positively enormous. We're talking 150-180 lbs. The kind of dog that needs an entire couch to himself. As one of the books I read said, "If he's standing in front of the TV he will block it. He will also block the remote".
The last few months I have been trying to subtly sell N on the idea, like casually saying, "Did you know that Wolfhounds (name benefit of owning one here)?" or leaving the breed handbook lying around on the coffee table.
Surprisingly, he has totally gone for it!
But of course a couple of things have to happen first.
1. Pay off the car (so close now!) and save some dough so we can buy a minivan, because a dog that size isn't going to fit in our station wagon. This was kind of in the plan anyway for when/if we have kids.
2. Buy our forever home, which will have a big fenced yard and hopefully be close the park with an off leash dog area.
3. Have a change in salary that will free up about $150 a month for dog expenses, as big dogs eat a lot and need more medicine.
It is incredibly motivating for both N and me, and is definitely helping me to keep my mind off of babies.
There just so happens to be a breeder about an hour and a half from us; we're planning on visiting one of these weekends so we can actually meet some of these dogs in person.
I'm fairly positive that Morwen, being completely bonkers, will love a dog to play with. Rousseau will probably skulk around for a while before finally deciding to ignore the new addition. At least, that's how I'm hoping its gonna go.
How fun!!!
Your cats are beautiful! (and your future dog is, too! :))
hahaha I love that serious cat in the box! I've been bugging my husband for a dog lately too!!
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