Friday, August 6, 2010

I should get it tattooed on my forehead

I went to the the OBGYN today for my yearly checkup and pap. There are a lot of reasons I don't like my OBGYN, but the big reason is that the doctor and nurses are constantly offending me.

For example...

Nurse: I see you are taking a prenatal. Does that mean that you aren't on BIRTH CONTROL?
Me: No, I am trying to get pregnant and what's more, I'm Catholic.
Nurse: So, would you like a prescription for some nice BIRTH CONTROL?
Me: No!

and later...

Me: Is there any way I can shorten my cycles?
Doctor: Well, you could go on BIRTH CONTROL.
Me: We've talked about this. The reason I want shorter cycles is so I can have more chances of conceiving. Plus I'm Catholic.
Doctor: Are you sure you wouldn't like some nice, healthful, BIRTH CONTROL?

Ok, I get it. You all think I shouldn't procreate. That's great.

The nurse also offered me an STD test as soon as I sat down on the exam table. Because clearly my husband is cheating on me or I am cheating on him.

The doctor, who saw me for my follow up appointments after the miscarriages, chatted with me a little bit about how the TTC thing was going. I said not so well. She said I should be enjoying my nice child-free existence and just relax. It really bugs me when people tell me I should feel lucky that I don't have children because children are a huge pain, apparently. Oh, and the doctor also told me I am so young and I have plenty of time. I don't feel so young. I am one of the oldest in my group of friends and the only one without children. I am older now than my mother was when she had me, and I was her second. I am older than my sister was when she gave birth to Niecey. I am older than the average new mother in the US. So no, I am not SO young.

Come on, people. Just take a gander at my cervix and let me out of here.

I've wanted to switch doctors for a while, but I just haven't had the energy yet. Plus there don't seem to be any nice Catholic OBGYNs in my area. Does this mean I will have to put up with this crap for my entire life?

Anyway, I'm glad that's over and I don't have to see her for another year!


Lauren @ Magnify the Lord with Me said...

Holy smokes!!!! GET A NEW DOCTOR!!!! YIKES!! Love how you're evangelizing!

Faith said...

Yikes! That would tick me right off! I HATE when I was told to relax and I was just young. I left my second OBGyn for that. What's weird is I am not Catholic, but have never been offered birth control - what are the odds:)? Good luck!

Hebrews 11:1 said...

SHEESH. My first gyn did that. One of the first things I said at the appointment was that I'd never use BC and she handed me a script when I walked out. Somehow, that script found its way into the trash and not the pharmacy. :-)

mrsblondies said...

I'd definitely look into finding a new ob/gyn. If she offers BC for everything and tells you just to relax since you are young, you are unlikely to get the help you need.

iRejoice said...

Thanks for your encouragement, ladies! I did some research and it turns out there are two pro-life doctors in the area. I'll have to investigate further before I make a final decision, but it has put me much more at ease!