Saturday, January 22, 2011

It's a...

My intuition turned out to be spot-on in this instance. Spud is a little BOY!

He wasn't shy about letting us know, either. At one point the tech froze the screen and asked us if we wanted to know the gender. But it was pretty obvious. Nemo blurted out, "It's a boy!" The ultrasound tech might have been a little miffed to have her thunder stolen:)

He looks perfectly healthy. Just a little bit on the big side. Yikes.

We are terribly excited. Although all the good names I had picked out were girls' names! And now I have to make unpleasant decisions, like what to do about circumcision and stuff like that. But mostly excited. A little boy. A son! Wow!

Spud decided to end the wonderful day with a grand finale. I was lying in bed with my hand on my belly, talking with Nemo, when Spud all of a sudden kicked me. And I felt it from the outside! It seemed like mostly luck that my hand was in the right place at the right time, and when Nemo put his hand there to try and feel it I was sure that Spud wouldn't cooperate. But a few minutes later--BANG!--right on target. He's a little squirmer, for sure. I am so grateful to be able to feel him moving around at this relatively early time. And I'm also so happy that Nemo finally gets to share in the sheer wonder of it.

Older Sister, whose new pregnancy I mentioned in my last post, got an ultrasound yesterday as well, which dated her at about six weeks. We went over and over her chart for about two hours one night and just couldn't figure out when the blessed event happened, so I recommended that she push her doctor for an ultrasound. It's a good thing too, because dating it by her LMP turned out to be a week off! But she did see the little bean with a heartbeat, so that's good.

In other news, I STILL haven't told my manager about my pregnancy. Way, way back I mentioned that I had applied for a transfer to a location very close to my house. I interviewed back in November when I was about 8 weeks pregnant, and I figured they would get back to me in December and if I got the job I would have some time to settle in and endear myself to people before announcing that I would be taking maternity leave during Summer Reading, which is only the most important time of the year for a Children's Librarian.

However, they took their sweet time getting back to me, and I couldn't tell me coworkers at my current job until I knew one way or the other. As of last Friday I still hadn't heard, and my belly is getting rather obviously huge. I started having second thoughts about the job. A big part of it is that I didn't think it was fair to them for me to take the job, go on maternity leave five months later, and then possibly not come back at all (depending on how Nemo's interviews turn out, hope hope). So I ended up calling them up and asking to be removed from consideration from the position, citing some "circumstances" that made me not a good fit at the moment. She asked what those circumstances were (the fact that she wanted details made me think that I might have been the candidate chosen) so I spilled, but asked her not to tell anyone. Then I figured I would wait until after we found out the gender to tell my coworkers here. So reveal day is now set for Monday. I will be so relieved to have it out in the open!


Lauren @ Magnify the Lord with Me said...

YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! How exciting!

Second Chances said...

Congratulations! A boy! As a mom of two boys I can tell you, you will FALL IN LOVE with your little guy! Not that you wouldn't a girl, but there's a strong mom/son bond thing that I never "got" before that I do now. They sure are loveable! Hope you have a blast telling everyone. And so good of you to be honest about the job. That must have been a tough decision.

Faith said...

Congratulations! I agree with Second Chances - there is something special about boys and their mommies:). AND, I LOVE watching my hubby have his little boy - they are SO cute together:). Good luck on your tough decisions. My advice is only this - IF you decide on circumcision, do it at the hospital. Due to adoption, we had to wait until he was 2 weeks old or so, and it was excruciating for all of us. The docs all say that their nerves aren't all wired up yet down there when they are first born, and most newborns don't cry at all, or just cry because they don't like being strapped in (that contraption they strap em in is archaic looking, just fyi!). Just have to say that:). Good luck, hun! I am so excited for you!

Oh, and enjoy that movement - I still smile every time she gets rolling in there:). I actually sleep BETTER when she is going crazy, because it's my reassurance that she's healthy in there:). Take care!

Holly Rutchik said...

Oh what a blessing! I too thought you were having a boy. not that I even know you, but you know, blogging really makes one feel like they know everything about someone. :)
Now, you said you have all these great girl names/ PLEASE stop over to my blog and share. My little gal is coming in 3 months and we've got NOTHING! She is the 3rd gal in 3 years and we are out of ideas! :) God bless you and enjoy those kicks!

Hebrews 11:1 said...

Yay congrats!!!

Cathy said...

Awwww Congrats! We love our little man!
No, no..... their nerves are complete from about 18 weeks. Don't believe they feel pain? Go youtube circumcision. It is horrifying. Cant watch it? Then don't do it to your perfect son.
(the nerve argument is commonly used to justify anesthesia free abortion. It's a common myth. Not indicting Faith... I know she's just listening to a doc...)
Need more info? Email me at wardniner at gmail or my friend Beth at milkjugs07 at gmail. Her sons AND hubby are intact.. she has a unique perspective.
God bless your perfectly formed angel.
Any names yet?

Awaiting a Child of God:) said...

A sweet little boy!!! What a gift:)