Saturday, December 18, 2010

Telling People

Very shortly we will be leaving to visit Nemo's parents, not just to exchange Christmas presents but also to tell them about the baby.

I had an appointment with the midwife on Thursday, and everything seems to be going great. Heard a good heartbeat at 166 bpm between when the little stinker was wiggling around too much for the Doppler to pick it up.

But I am still so nervous about the prospect of telling people. Especially parents and grandparents.

We told Nemo's parent's about our first pregnancy very early on, and then less than a week later we had to tell them that we lost the baby. We didn't tell them about the second pregnancy partly because I didn't want to tell them bad news again.

I know that they are going to be happy and excited when we tell them, but I worry that they will let our past losses taint their view of this new pregnancy. Maybe they won't be AS excited, you know? Because I'm the Woman Who Cried Pregnant.

Anyway, we are going to tell my parents and siblings when we go visit them for Christmas, and then we are having a bunch our friends over on New Year's Eve so we can break the news to them. I just need to get through the next two weeks. Yikes. I am praying that I will find some serious emotional strength!


Faith said...

We actually had the same issue. The first time we told people early, then had to tell them we lost the baby. The second time we waited until like 8 weeks or something, but then just told parents...then a week later, we had to call them and tell them we lost that one too. So, for THIS one, we held off until 12 weeks, and let me tell you - their responses were less than enthusiastic. I could definitely tell they were cautious. But I didn't blame them...I was too! I mean, my response to being pregnant this time was very cautious, and I pretty much didn't accept it or bond with this baby until I started feeling her move. They do come around, though...they need time to adjust, and to protect their hearts, too. Good luck telling people... I hope they can express happiness for you, and I am very sure they will! This is happy news, no matter what:)!

mrsblondies said...

I would guess that their response is going to somewhat mirror how they see you and your husband respond. It's not that they won't be excited, but they'll want to avoid making you feel any worse about your losses, and like Faith said, to adjust.

If you want to see an excited response from them, you and your husband will need to allow them to see your excitement.

Karen said...

I can't imagine how stressful that must be. I'm kinda thinking the same as mrsblondies. I think that heir reaction may mirror you emotions. If you appear more excited than nervous maybe they will too. But I would definitely be prepared for a very cautious reaction. They will probably want to guard their hearts too. And I'm sure as parents, it's hard for them to wath you two go through things like miscarriage. They still want to protect you.

Good luck with sharing the news!

Have a Merry Christmas!