Friday, October 22, 2010

7 Quick Takes

1. We made it to 5 weeks, and as far as I know I'm still pregnant. I have trouble keeping my eyes open after 9pm and I can smell everything, but other than that my symptoms are pretty mild. I never throught I would be eager to barf, but I can't wait for morning sickness to kick in. And I hope that I'll regret ever saying that:)

2. Tomorrow is family picture day! I'm really nervous about the clothes I have picked out and whether or not I will be having a bad hair day, but mostly I am excited. The weather is going to be beautiful tomorrow, and since the shoot is going to be outdoors this is terrific news! One less thing to obssess about.

3. I'm having a work-related crisis. An ex-coworker who I didn't get along with is going to be my current co-worker once again starting on Monday. She was kind of a bully and made me feel terrible about myself, and I am having a hard time reconciling with the fact that I'm going to have to see her every day. Blech. Praying that I'll handle it gracefully and with minimun breakdowns in my office.

4. Nemo and I are going to New Orleans in January with my in-laws. Nemo and his dad work in the same field and will be attending a conference there. Me and MIL are going just to stay in a nice hotel and see the sights. Traveling tends to stress me out a little bit, but I am trying to be a little more adventurous. If this pregnancy continues I'll be about 16 weeks then, so it could be a nice babymoon trip.

5. I heard this great prayer on the Faith and Family Live podcast today:

Prayer to Our Lady of La Leche

O Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of Your tender Mother, Our Lady of La Leche, who bore You close to her heart during those long months before Your birth, I place my baby and myself entirely in Your Hands. Free me, I beseech You, from useless and consuming worry. Accept the sacrifice of my aches and pains, which I unite to Your sufferings on the Cross. Above all, most merciful and loving Jesus, protect this child You have given to me from all harm, bestowing the health and vigor every baby needs. Implant in my heart and on my lips the words and prayers of Your Mother and mine, our Lovely Lady of La Leche. All this I ask that my child and I may live to praise forever Your Holy Name.

I think I am going to try to memorize it.

I've been talking St. Gerard, St. Gianna, St. Joseph, and Our Lady of Guadalupe's ears off.

6. The Irish Wolfhound project has hit a few roadblocks. The breeder we wanted to go with has been ignoring our emails for months, and we're starting to get really frustrated with them. Now we have to do our research all over again to find another breeder that we like. Sigh. I'm trying not to take it personally, but how unprofessional are you if you don't return emails in a timely fashion? Jerks.

7. My mom is back in school studying to be a physician's assistant. It is a very rigorous program and she doesn't have much time to eat or sleep or chat. It's something she really wants to accomplish and of course I support her, but I still miss talking on the phone with her sometimes.


Lauren @ Magnify the Lord with Me said...

You're going to New Orleans? Girl where do you live? Email me!

Megan said...

Praying that your little one stays safe and sound in your womb! Exciting about the trip! :)