Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Nemo and I went to the doctor today for my first ultrasound. We saw the gestational sac and the yolk sac, which were both measuring fine for 5-6 weeks. It is intrauterine and positioned in the upper part of the uterus, which is good, no, excellent news. The nurse said that the pregnancy looks great on paper, so I am trying to cling to that.

But there was no fetal pole, and hence, no heartbeat.

I keep telling myself it is just too early. We have another ultrasound scheduled for next Wednesday in the morning, and the nurse said that is when they would expect to see a heartbeat.

This is going to be the longest week ever.

Any and all self-distraction tips would be welcome, if you got 'em!


me said...

Take solace in the fact that it *is* early. But I know that wait all too well (worse than the 2week wait) You are in my thoughts and prayers... I'm trying to think of good distractions... My favorite distractions are projects around the house that I dream up. So, maybe think about redoing another bathroom?! Sending love your way!

Faith said...

Oh yes, it is really early. But the wait will be so tough anyway, I know that wait well! Let's see, distractions - I'm all about pedicures, shopping and watching my favorite TV shows:). Good luck!

Megan said...

Praying for good news next week! That is good that the nurse was confident and didn't seem worried. I agree with the pedicure! :) I also love cross words. They always keep my mind occupied.

Hebrews 11:1 said...

Hang in there! Hopefully the week will go by fast.

Lauren @ Magnify the Lord with Me said...

Oh my goodness, that took my breath away. Something similar just happened to Trinitarian Wife. Check out her blog...

I'm praying hard for you.