Monday, October 18, 2010

The Verdict

It's official: my hCG was at 575 when they checked it this morning.

According to the American Pregnancy website, the hCG levels for 4 weeks LMP should be 5-426 and 5 weeks LMP should be 18-7,340. I'm right in the middle at 4 weeks 3 days now, so the number seems good to me. I'm going in on Wednesday to have my levels checked again, and I'm fervently praying that the number will be 1,150 or above.

They are also going to test the blood they took today for progesterone levels, but regardless of the results they are giving me a prescription for progesterone suppositories. Sounds like fun? But totally worth it if it helps.

Tiredness has kicked it--but it may or may not be pregnancy-related. It may also be that I haven't been sleeping well. Ever since I found out, I have been having very life-like nightmares that I go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and discover that I'm miscarrying. Not very conducive to a good night's sleep. Maybe I need to drink more chamomile tea. And take deep breaths. Hoo hee hoo hee hoo hee.

But for right now me and Baby are together, and that makes me go, Yay!


me said...

Aww! :) You are on cloud nine! I know it's easy to say "don't worry" and I know it's hard not to worry, but try to enjoy every day!

Megan said...

Hooray! So happy for you! :) Prayers that those numbers will double!

mrsblondies said...

So glad to hear that things are looking good! Praying that things staying that way!

Faith said...

Congrats, Momma! My first level with this pregnancy was 514 - great number:)! Enjoy!